“I Have a Dream” and “Imagine” – Blog Response

14 Apr

Blog Response: “I Have a Dream” – “Imagine”

          “Imagine” by John Lennon is very moving. You can picture Lennon wanting and perhaps wanting to try to make the world like in the words he wrote. I could only imagine if the world and everything and everyone in it was like that. Everything would be peace and tranquility. Everyone would get along. You would think that since the time John Lennon was alive until now things might have changed. But the reality is that although, some things have changed there is still people in this world that want to make it an ugly and dreadful experience for others. Furthermore, “I Have a Dream, the inspirational and persuasive speech that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote and publically presented is just as moving as “Imagine” by John Lennon. Both gentlemen unknowingly had the same aspirations as to what the world and the people that inhabit it should act like and be like towards one another. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of freedom and equality for his people.  He hoped that   if “American is a great nation, this must come true” (MLKJr.   463). He was referring to Negroes and Whites one day holding hands and “Letting Freedom Ring.”

          My personal take on both readings is that the world should be at peace and have tranquility for the sake of every inhabitant. Everyone should feel safe in the place where they will be from birth until death.  I could only imagine through John Lennon’s words how different the world would be as mentioned in “Imagine.”

One Response to ““I Have a Dream” and “Imagine” – Blog Response”

  1. popeheather April 17, 2012 at 10:20 pm #

    I like your response to this!

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