“Love is a Fallacy” – Blog Response

14 Apr

Blog Response : ” Love is a Fallacy”

         In “Love is a Fallacy” the narrator perceives himself to be an eye candy, and the only thing he is missing a beautiful, charming, smart girl who can make him look good. The perfect candidate was Petey’s girlfriend, Polly. Petey is the narrator’s friend. Polly is the perfect girl; beautiful, charming, but the only attribute she was missing was smartness. The only way to get Polly from Petey was trading a raccoon coat for her. A raccoon coat was the top trend. Once the deal was made and the trade was in effect, the narrator set a task for him to make Polly smart. Teach her to be smart that is. In the end, Polly was either pretending not to be smart or he really did teach her to be smart. Either way Polly was more interested in going back to Petey; the guy she was originally with. After all, he did have the raccoon coat!

        No one should use anyone for their own benefit.  Using someone for one’s own benefit makes him or her look like a selfish and self-centered person, like the narrator of “Love is a Fallacy.”  Unlike the narrator, a person is supposed to care about the other person’s feelings when getting into a relationship. A relationship is about two people that care and love each other for who they are as an individual. Neither person should want to purposely change the other to be how the other wants them to be. An individual should be accepted for who and how they are.  That is why their partner fell in love in the first place right?

One Response to ““Love is a Fallacy” – Blog Response”

  1. popeheather April 17, 2012 at 10:23 pm #

    It’s amazing how clearly this story talks about wanting to change one’s partner. Great blog, and I’m so glad to see that you’re getting caught up so quickly!

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