“Modern Love” – Blog Response

14 Apr

Blog Response: “Modern Love”

     Germs, Germs, Germs that is what the girl in “Modern Love was so paranoid about.

     Being afraid of something is in everyone’s nature. The something can be as invisible as germs, or as visible as spiders or tarantulas. I think that being so self-conscious as to what you are afraid of makes you even more afraid of it.  In my personal experience when I was younger my grandmother used to say that everyone needs some type of bacteria/germs in their system. She said that not all germs are bad germs. I agree with her now because I believe the over usage of sanitizer, cleaners and such makes a person more vulnerable  to getting sick. They can potentially be killing the bacteria that the body needs.  What I mean is that somehow the sanitizer are causing more damage than fixing the problem. Others may not agree with me. By no means am I saying that you should not wash your hands, use soap, use sanitizer etc. I just feel that the exaggerated over usage some people do is not so necessary.

     The girl from “Modern Love” should probably read this blog entry and take it in consideration.

One Response to ““Modern Love” – Blog Response”

  1. popeheather April 17, 2012 at 10:21 pm #

    Definitely…and me, too!

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