Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Movies” – Blog Response

14 Apr

BLOG RESPONSE: Stephen King – “Why We Crave Horror Movies”

Response Questions:

  • My experiences with horror films as a child were not all that bad. I was not scared of watching them or don’t recall being scared. But this changed when I got older. For instance, when I was about 12 or 13 I could not watch any Jason movies. They absolutely terrified me especially the sound effects that play when Jason is about to appear. Currently, do not care much for horror movies meaning I do not get scared.  You could say I kind of enjoy watching them because of the thrill and anxiety it brings me.


  • Stephen King says, “We’re all mentally ill.” and Later adds “sanity becomes a matter of degree.” I think that he means  that everyone is crazy in their own way. The craziness may come out when certain situations occur. Or maybe he is trying to say that we all are crazy and so show it more than others… some can control it and some just cannot help but act on their craziness. Stephen King has his mind set on believing that mental illness lives inside of us and is just waiting for the opportune moment to get out.

One Response to “Stephen King’s “Why We Crave Horror Movies” – Blog Response”

  1. popeheather April 17, 2012 at 10:23 pm #

    I enjoy them, too, Estefanny!

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