My name is Estefanny Juca. I am currently in the Liberal Arts Program at WCC. This is my second semester enrolled in College. I am hoping to switch over to the Paralegal Program next semester. I am currently taking classes that tie with the Liberal Arts Program I am in and the Paralegal Program that I hope to join next semester (just in case I decide to change my mind –yet again)

   I have always been interested in Laws, as for the Paralegal Program I hope to join next semester. I do not necessarily want to be a lawyer, but I do want to work side by side with a lawyer. What I find appealing about this Program is that it does not focus on just one particular study of law. This program focuses on a variety of laws such as Immigration Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Health Care Law and many other laws.

A little about me: I like to smile; it is always best to smile, I have a strong personality , I like to ask questions because I feel there is always an answer to everything or at least that is what I like to think. I also like to think of myself as a Leader. But then again who doesn’t =)

I hope to keep my grades up as the semesters and classes progress. For now, I do not plan on attending a four-year college after I get an Associated Degree in the Paralegal Program. But I never know what the future has in stored for me.

That’s it for now. =)


Estefanny J.  o_O

2 Responses to “A LiTTLE ABOUT ME .”

  1. popeheather January 27, 2012 at 2:53 am #

    You’ve done a great job with this assignment! I like the template that you’ve selected. (I like to smile, too.) Keep up the good work and I’m sure that you’ll be able to keep your grades up!

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